+44 (01344) 883 399

Girls’ Day School Trust

Girls’ Day School Trust

Girls’ Day School Trust technology LED Lighting sector education annual savings £6,472 10 year savings £156,947 payback period 3.3 years carbon savings 5,940 KgCo2e Project location Girls’ Day School Trust The Girls’ Day School Trust (GDST) has embraced an...
Evington Leisure Centre

Evington Leisure Centre

Evington Leisure Centre project location Evington Leisure Centre As part of Leicester City Councils ‘Green Flag’ initiative, EES Group were successful in installing a 64 multi site renewable and sustainable energy project. EES Group designed and installed...
Redbridge Council

Redbridge Council

Redbridge Council Project location redbridge council Redbridge London Borough Council is the local authority for Redbridge in Greater London and is one of the capitals 32 borough councils. Redbridge is home to over 300,000 people and the council is committed to...
New College Gym

New College Gym

New College Gym yearly energy costs before after project location New College Gym New College had been spending an estimated £5,206 per annum on lighting energy costs in the gym itself. Following the installation of EESG’s LED lighting, this was reduced to an...
Moat Community College

Moat Community College

Moat Community College project location Moat Community College EESG were successful in a multi site competitive tender to install a solar PV array at Moat Community College in Leicester. The programme was a complete turnkey Solar PV installation with EESG operating as...