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Accelerate 2 Zero: Revolutionising Decarbonisation with Augmented Reality

At Energy Efficient Solutions Group (EESG), we have recently launched a new, innovative augmented reality (AR) app that serves the purpose of helping our clients to decarbonise their organisation and work towards net zero. 

Accelerate 2 Zero is revolutionising the journey to carbon neutrality and at EESG we prioritise providing the best solutions. Our goal is to help our clients make smart and energy efficient decisions, achieve carbon savings and to become greener and more sustainable. If your business aligns with these goals, then this app is the perfect solution. 

The use of AR enables you to visualise the possible renewable technologies your company could implement. These include LED lighting, solar panels, battery storage, inverters, optimisers, and emergency lighting. With a simple click, the app will display the key features of each technology, highlighting its benefits. 

Solutions provided by the app will be tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring the best possible fit for your organisation. 

The app also features a carbon calculator. This useful component helps you to measure your carbon and monetary savings. This can be done by simply filling in data regarding your average price of electricity for the year, providing valuable insights into your ecological efforts. 

Not only is Accelerate 2 Zero revolutionary in its approach to decarbonisation and its ability to provide real-time insights, but it is also free to download, making it the ideal solution for your organisation. Head to the app store now and download to ensure that your organisation doesn’t miss out!  

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