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B Corp Month – Time to be Sustainable

B Corp month is an annual global campaign, which takes place in March every year. The attainment of a B Corp certificate highlights the balance of profit and purpose within a company.

Certified B Corps must meet high standards for their social and environmental influence, which are established and validated by B Lab, a non-profit global network.

The B Corp movement represents the worldwide initiative of people using business for a positive influence. The aim of this initiative is to collectively transition the economic system from benefiting a select few to promoting equity for all.

Meeting high standards of verified performance is essential at Energy Efficient Solutions Group (EES Group) as it demonstrates to our clients that we are accountable, transparent and prioritise social responsibility.

EESG are committed to meeting these high standards and are proud to have attained a B Corporation certification, underscoring our dedication to environmentally responsible business practices.

EESG has already constructed a carbon reduction plan for the 2024 year, which outlines our goals and initiatives in the step towards carbon neutrality.

The number of B Corp organisations is rapidly growing, with over 8,000 companies leading the way.

To attain a B Corp certification, EESG met the high standards required, relating to governance, workers, community, environment, and customers. We achieved a fantastic score of 103.3 in the evaluation process with the median score for businesses being 50.9; and have evidently showcased our ethical and sustainable practices regarding energy supplies, waste and water use, worker compensation, diversity, and corporate transparency.



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