by Sophie Fenwick | Oct 3, 2022
Bransgore CE Primary School annual energy costs before after project location Bransgore CE Primary School Bransgore Church of England Primary School is located in the village of Bransgore which borders Hampshire’s picturesque New Forest. They pride themselves...
by Sophie Fenwick | Oct 3, 2022
New College Gym yearly energy costs before after project location New College Gym New College had been spending an estimated £5,206 per annum on lighting energy costs in the gym itself. Following the installation of EESG’s LED lighting, this was reduced to an...
by Sophie Fenwick | Oct 3, 2022
Moat Community College project location Moat Community College EESG were successful in a multi site competitive tender to install a solar PV array at Moat Community College in Leicester. The programme was a complete turnkey Solar PV installation with EESG operating as...
by Sophie Fenwick | Sep 29, 2022
Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge annual energy costs before after project location Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge is a secondary school based in Reading. The school caters for students aged 11 to 16. In August 2018, Chiltern Edge converted to an...
by digitalrefresh | Sep 20, 2022
Hatcham Temple Grove Primary School annual energy costs before after project location Hatcham Temple Grove Primary School Hatcham Temple Grove primary school is a vibrant, diverse and thriving school within the New Cross community. It aims to celebrate and nurture all...